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Richard J L Newman DHP  07792584968


That nagging sense of inner tension that wont let go and occasionally pulls and twists at the stomach or heart.

Worrying is the mental equivalent of running round like a headless chicken

› to be very busy thinking a lot of things, but in a way that is not very effective

Anxiety often effects the most imaginative and creative people and once you understand the mechanism behind this problem it is easy to understand why. For some of us, and this used to be the case for me too, anxiety can be a continuous, debilitating experience which undermines our enjoyment and achievements in all areas of life. Left untreated it can have serious health consequences, effecting our sleep, digestion, blood pressure and even the effectiveness of our immune system.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is, in my view, the very best way of dealing with anxiety and of setting ourselves free to enjoy the rest of our lives.  It has concerned me over a number of years, while witnessing others working in various forms of talking and gestalt therapies, that many people who were suffering from anxiety got no better despite spending fortunes and literally hundreds of hours in therapy. This need not be the case. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy cuts directly to the source of anxiety and empowers clients to set themselves free for good from this debilitating problem.  

It is very common for sufferers to just bravely soldier on, criticising themselves for not coping better with the stresses of life that everyone else seems to be handling so well! This is actually not true and is definitely NOT the right way of handling anxiety.  If this rings a bell for you then it is time to give yourself the gift you so truly deserve and find out how to be free of this terribly debilitating problem. Don’t waste any more time - call me or another qualified Solution Focused Hypnotherapist now and set yourself free of anxiety!         


To request a free initial consultation press here now.                       


Anxiety A crust eaten in peace is better  than a banquet partaken in anxiety. Aesop