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Richard J L Newman DHP  07792584968

Exam, Interview & Public Performance Nerves

Exams, interviews and performances are naturally stressful for nearly everyone, whether we are taking a driving, college or professional exam, being interviewed for a university place or a new job, making a speech, or giving a presentation.  

These can be very important occasions with life changing ramifications. So it is very important we make the best of them. In these situations any lack of self confidence can become magnified and the more we worry about whether we can meet our own and other’s expectations only adds to the burden.  This can have a very negative effect on our performance and leave us feeling we have let ourselves down when we don’t do ourselves justice under pressure.

Anxiety can have a profoundly debilitating effect on our focus, concentration and our apparent intelligence as well as our memory faculties and this can result in increasing stress – reduced efficiency – increased anxiety – difficulty concentrating - reduced recall – increased anxiety …..  a vicious cycle which many find themselves caught up in.  

Anxiety is most keenly felt just before an exam or performance and may cause insomnia and even memory black outs. However, even at much lower levels, anxiety may have a negative effect on learning for a number of reasons. A continually raised state of anxiety actually exhausts some parts of the brain and engages other parts in such a way as to make it more difficult to motivate ourselves, concentrate, memorise and remember.  When you are in a state of panic your intellect is virtually disengaged and no amount of effort or determination is going to override a natural biological process.  

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy will help reduce your anxiety fast and effectively and there are specific NLP techniques you can be shown how to use to get rid of exam and performance nerves!

Don’t wait till the week before the exam to realise how anxiety is undermining your efforts. Preparing your mind for learning is the key to success.

To request a free initial consultation press here now.


Reducing Anxiety

has the following effects on learning:

Performance & Exam Nerves If we all did the things we were capable of doing,  we would literally astound ourselves. Thomas Edison